You'll naturally move around in your bed as you sleep, theres only a very small window of sleep (REM) where your completly imobilised. The rest of the time your all over the place.
Some people get woken up during the night in an uncomfortable position, think what the hell am i like this for, move and go back to sleep. All this can be caused in the first place by the uncomfortable postion, or just light sleeping.
I move a hell of a lot in my sleep, i've ended up with my head down the other end of the bed, in my chair, on the floor, curled upside down against a wall (I shit you not. It was a confusing couple of seconds when i woke up i tell you) and across the house in someone elses bed. Go with the flow is what i advise, just as long as you don't end up somewhere stupid, like the middle of the garden...
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