My mother's side of the family, specifially, her brother. A waste of space. When he would come out he would expect my family to feed his 7 children along with himself and his wife. He believed that because my father was a lawyer (and later, a judge) and he a steel mill worker, that my father was obligated to pay for everything for him, including his travel expenses to tow his flock anywhere. What really ticked my dad off was that he would sugest an expensive resturant damn well knowing that he wasn't going to pay a dime. When a cheque would come he would just kinda stare stupidly at it, and then look at my mom like, "isn't this your problem?" - EVEN WHEN my family had ordered nothing but water.
Finally my mother had enough of it, told Uncle Buzz that it wasn't her nor my father's fault that he couldn't figure out how to use a condom, and to pay for his own damn family. Needless to say, we don't hear from him all that often anymore. It's certainly not the most elequent solution, but it worked for us. Buzz was a leech, and short of beating the hell out of him, there was no way to get stuff through his thick skull.