please don't take this the wrong way but I think the fact that you don't have the cash available to buy such an expensive device, and would only be able to afford it by selling your possessions, indicates that there's a better use for that money. save it and amass some type of largesse, so that you can move out of your cousin's house and purchase some property on your own.
from the technical standpoint (I'm somewhat of a nerd), plasma tv's are very expensive and not all that impressive. they're a rich man's toy. I suggest replacing your tv with that of a reputable brand name (sony, samsung) in a price range you can readily afford. that is, if you need a tv at all.
on the walmart front, i refuse to even visit a walmart. not only are the actual products less than par, so are their business practices.
Last edited by macmanmike6100; 05-25-2005 at 09:44 AM..