Originally Posted by Seeker
*sigh* I'm still waiting for someone to call me on my bullshit...
That statement alone tells me that you hold yourself accountable, and would be open to constructive criticism.
There's a
HUGE difference between "constructive" criticism, and negative criticism. Negative criticism can make you think, but it also hurts your feelings, and the person dishing it doesn't care. Constructive criticism can be helpful, but also has the potential of cutting like a knife. I've been on the both sides many times. Some of the hardest things to hear were from a friend that I no longer speak to because of the mean, hurtful, catty, rude, intentionally malicious way she gutlessly confronted me. (Of all places, over the internet
) She basically ended our friendship that day, but you know what? I learned something - I learned that I want nice friends and not friends I feel like I have to "walk on eggshells" around. Friends that can “tell it like it is" without tactlessly insulting me in the process. For months though what she said to me (actually the names she called me) stuck in my head, and I did strive to better myself because of the echo of her nasty words.
Lemons to Lemonade...
So yeah, I can take it. I may or may not agree with you, but I think it's impossible for me not to take it into consideration. I weigh it on the scales, find the lesson, and move on.
I took that poll a while back that you posted cyn. I’m one of the 25 who said, “Yes, I am wrong sometimes.”
Isn't that what life's all about? If I already knew it all, how could I learn?