Interesting, thank you for the help, and thanks for the suggestion dirtyrascal. My biggest problem is previous relationships have ruined my confidence in communication and intimacy. I really need to work on that.
She repeatedly said she wants to take it slow because she's scared of getting into a relationship right now. I've only been dating her for six weeks, so I can accept that. It just hurts a little when she isn't very affectionate when talking to me on the phone or online.. maybe she's just one of those girls who's more affectionate/flirty online. It hurts because I'm trying to not get attached, yet I want to. I don't know, at the moment the little things are getting to me. That's why I said I'm gonna just take things as they come, do what I feel is right, and see what happens.
Last edited by nack104; 05-24-2005 at 10:56 PM..