I'm an independent contractor, not an employee. I know where I stand as far as rights and ownership. What I'm really curious about is what are the potential consequeces for a newspaper if it runs work without the artist's permission. I mean what if they just ran a Doonsbury cartoon without getting his syndicate's OK? Beyond being obligated to pay the standard charge for runign the strip, would they pay a small fee? A big fee? Run an apology? Would they be liable for some sort of damages?
I want to have a private conversation with my editior. I want him to understand what he may open himself up to if he does this type of thing. I don't want to get him in trouble or make a big stink. I'd like to keep it between the two of us. I'm pretty sure that if the EIC found out, my editor would be booted. If my editor gets fired, I may get tossed with him. I'm angry, not stupid.
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.