Have you signed any contracts with them? read those over. Its a possiblity that they may have more rights to your work than you intended if you just signed a contract with them without checking it out thoroughly. They could be buying your idea and not just each cartoon. If this is the case, then they could have some right to your other work if it was done as part of the "idea" you sold them when you signed on.
Before you go in guns blazing all pissed off demanding a retraction, you should evaluate your relationship with them. It is likely that you will compromise any sort of future business relationship with them if you handle this in an irate tone. If that isn't important to you, then, by all means tell them how you feel -- but if its more important to continue to be published by them it may be in your best intrest to suck up a bit of pride on this one and use some tact in your dealings.