oh the stories I could tell you about the household I live in (it would probably be easier if you go and read my journal entries pertaining to my ex husband and his g/f though)
My ex hubby started smoking crack 9 months about (or maybe a tad longer Im not sure)
I watched the man I've known for 15 years (because we still live in the same house), go from bad to worse to totally intolerable.
He's pawned everything he held near and dear to him, including his 1972 Les Paul, which he got 100 bucks for and smoked it up in a few hours, along with all his other guitars, all his very valuable nascar die casts all his guns including a very valuable colt 45 among other things (including things that didnt belong to him)
He hasnt held a job at all since October of last year, his vehicle has been reposessed, he sells his g/f out for sex to take care of his habit. They shoplift things and take them to other stores to return them to get store credits in the way of store cards with X amount of dollars on them which they go and trade for crack. When he has to go more than two hours without a hit he goes into steroidal type rages that end up with him beating his g/f, threatening me and his mother.
He got mad at his mother 3am on mothers day because he was in a rage and she wouldnt give him his gun that she'd been keeping at her house (next door to us) and called the cops on her, he got the gun back and turned around last week and pawned it (thats the colt 45).
Every morning when dave and I get up, there is some wacky new crackhead either sleeping in my back bedroom or sitting in my living room.
I could go on......but I wont....long story short, his g/f has been on it 4 years, he's coming up on a year.....he has days where he swears he wont touch it and in a few hours you can hear the lighters clicking on the other side of the house.
I, and his family have tried everything....I am currently trying to get something set up where he is caught for something and thrown in jail.
I am very afraid to say, the chances are 90% your friend will not stop on his own and he will either end up dead or in jail.
ALL of my ex's friends have deserted him because all he did was use them, they all tried to help, nothing worked. I've tried to help, I get physically threatened.
Im sure some people will blast me for this, but considering I've been living in the same house with it for a very long time, and every weekend I get woken up by either them fighting or the cops being here....there is nothing you can do.....get away from it now before it affects you anymore than it already has and feel free to PM me if you need to talk. I feel for you I really do, there is nothing worse than watching someone you care about slowly kill themselves, just be glad for you that its not the father of your child.
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!