I find myself relating very much with abaya on this issue..
Actually I feel this is the reason that I don't have many friends. I wont give out a 'blank cheque'. Ultimately when you offer a blank cheque you unknowingly support and perpetuate behaviour and thought patterns. I also see 'blank cheques' as a lazy option - it takes effort to call someone on something so I suppose I weigh the value of my friendships to the extent that they will give me their honest time and input, as I do them.
Being polite or sending out blank cheques, I feel is probably why society is not very critically aware. Everybody has been so careful to ensure they stroke peoples egos, and be politically correct, that many are now affraid to say anything to anyone. Along with that, I feel people don't know how to take criticism, and when you do point it out it generally isn't taken very well or not seen as constructive.
It took me a long time to learn how to take criticism constructively, and because I didn't see it in society it was a huge conscious effort to both accept it and learn how to dish it assertively as abaya pointed out.
To those who wander but who are not lost...
~ Knowledge is not something you acquire, it is something you open yourself to.
Last edited by Seeker; 05-21-2005 at 05:02 AM..
Reason: typos