Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
But the ones that I really cherish are the ones that challenge my thinking. The ones that call bullshit on my shit. abaya recently called my attention to something in the asian american thread.
Cyn, I'm glad to be considered the kind of friend (or growing to be so) whom you see as calling your bullshit.
Actually though, getting to that point of honesty with others is something that has taken me a long time. I used to be one of those blank check types, affirming most people as much as I could, until I realized how much I was disrespecting myself and not really helping anyone. Now I try to call BS whenever I see it, and hope that I am doing so in as gentle a manner as possible.
Personally, I have both kinds of friends too, but I do value those more who can challenge me, esp. if they do it gently. Speaking the truth in love...