Depends on the friend.
I have some friends that will always get my honest opinion, 100%, whether they like it or not, because I know that at the very least, they will appreciate that I've taken the time to tell them the truth.
Then I have some friends who, as they say, can't handle the truth. They're hard-headed and stubborn. They believe that their way is not only the right way, but they only way, and they don't want to hear what I'll say. It'll offend them.
Sometimes I can tell right after I've met someone whether they are the kind of person that can handle honesty. But I usually give honesty a try with all my friends. If they clearly can't take it, I make a mental note and remember to give them the blank check next time.
The other problem is that everybody likes to think they could handle the truth. But we never know until we're faced with it. If you told me you thought my acting was poor in my last production, I'd like to think that I could take it...but could I? I won't know until we're there! And it also depends on various situations - their severity, whether things like dignity and pride are on the's quite complicated.
Great question!
You have to laugh at yourself...because you'd cry your eyes out if you didn't. - Emily Saliers