I've known since I was a teenager that my talent was in working with children. I don't think I ever felt like I needed a child to complete me though. At one point before I started dating hubby I went through quite a dry spell without a boyfriend. I dreamed up this life, living on my own, and teaching. That was it. I was happy with that concept of my life. After hubby and I got married we got pregnant without planning for it. We simply didn't try to prevent it. She came, we were glad to have her, we're content with just one. She didn't fill an empty place for us. In a sense a place was created by us just for her. I think we'd have been content without a child. Though no matter what I knew I'd always be working with children in some capacity. My daughter just gives me an opportunity to dedicate more time and energy to one specific child.
I have heard this question posed before and was puzzled by it. It seemed to me odd that someone would base their feeling of completeness (dunno if that's a word but oh well) and success on being able to procreate. Why base your self worth or emotions on another being. Humans fail us all the time. Besides - it seems like that could be quite a large burden for a child to carry. They never turn out how you expect.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.