Originally Posted by Jesus Pimp
I don't worship gods. If there were a supreme being I would be a mere speck of dust.
It seems you have a different idea of spirituality than I do. I don't necissarily believe in a supreme being, and yet I consider myself to be spiritual.
The word spirit doesn't only regard gods. To me, spirit is what it is that makes one a person. It's the ability to appreciate beauty, and to laugh and weep and love and all of those wonderful and terrible human things. I guess the spirit is no different than the mind, really.
Originally Posted by abaya
I believe so, cello. But how does one define seeking? If someone is just plain content with their life, without needing to question everything (e.g. the way I do, which almost drives me insane at times), then what right do I have to say that they are living in a unfulfilled way? Perhaps it is better to live in the present, without seeking anything beyond the moment at hand? Is that not a spirituality, too? Then again, I think that true living-in-the-moment takes serious awareness, discipline, and even seeking. It is an appreciation for all the little things that exist around oneself. Hence, Zen. I see this as adding volumes to one's life, and as being very spiritual.
Who was it that said "The unexamined life is not worth living." (Aristotle?)... this is how I feel, and yet there are so many times that I want to stop examining and just take things for granted. Yet I can't, anymore. Everything is up for grabs, it seems... makes for some very unstable times.
Well, there are different things one can seek for are there not? I don't think that people can stop seeking. It's one of the things about us that is both wonderful and tragic. Some people search continually for wealth, some for fame, some for love... and these are not necissarily seperate searches of course. It seems that the spiritual person is seeking a non-physical betterment, and once they find something they cannot question, I suppose they continue to live contentedly and seek to make others happier?
Socrates said "The unexamined life is not worth living," and I believe this whole heartedly. I also tend to believe that comfort and spirituality and philosophy don't necissarily lead to contentment.