Thanks for you input.
I guess I really put this up because I wanted people to change my mind.
I knew what I should do based on who I was, but I wanted to go against my instinct.
I am not going to do it. I am going to tell her why. I am also going to call into question her relationship with her significant other. I don't want this stress I already have engough.
Also if I had any social connection with her fiance I would never have even considered this. I can't tell him because I can't contact him all I can do is hope what I say to her makes her wake the fuck up. Pardon my vulgar language.
I was trying to embrace my innner-asshole, but I don't think that I really want to. I think I will just stay myself without the assholishness.
Life is meaningless.
How awesome is that?
Rock On! Now I can do whatever the hell I want
and give my own life meaning to myself.