Interesting delimna because all the moral thought is taking place with you. She's done with it. As has been said and you yourself know this woman will be kicking up her heels till she's dead. So, what do you want. Sometimes putting the picture at a bit of a remove may help. How would you feel 30 years from now when during a conversation you find out just where you stood in the conga-line at her door. I may be more fastidious merely because of my monogamous background, but I would feel a little skanky being part of that scene. True, you don't want to be an old man in a rocking chair listing her among the top 5 goddam-I-shoulda things you regret. You may find the rogueish air that you gain by being the other guy a bit of a feather in your cap. You might find it a valuable lesson in pure sex. You may tip your hat to her and say thanks anyway can we just flirt for a minute? You might go all righteous and make noises where you don't know the whole picture. Interesting delimna.
And now to disengage the clutch of the forebrain ...
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