I've been going to church for 18 years. If I don't I get screamed at until I roll out of bed and called a sinner. When my brothers left home they stopped attending church. They're considered to be "going down the wrong path.", etc.
After 9/11 I started questioning my religion. I know the response to "why do bad things happen to good people?" is because "God gave us all free will and because of free will and Adam and Eve choosing sin there is pain and suffering and evil." When I step back, logically Christianity doesn't make much sense to me. Emotionally I don't feel the "spirit" "joy from God". I've met some very nice people in the church, but I've also met some people who use their religion to set themselves up on a pedastal. I go to church now and attempt to use the lessons taught to make myself a better person.
The person I associate the most with the church is my mom. I resent her a lot and now resent the institution she taken her beliefs, morals, values and opinions from. Religion shouldn't be forced, it should be a choice.