Originally Posted by ObieX
people ages 22-30 don't give a rat's ass what happens to those younger than them.
I care. I really do. I am simply in a situation where I cannot help their cause because I was kicked out of that club with a bunch of candles planted on top of a cake.
Shall I threadjack here? I think this next question is still on topic:
How does one go about pursuing changing legislation and other laws that are obviously discriminatory? In Canada we have the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and I think that all it would take is for an 18 year old to sue the province (or provincial branch that was responsible for the drinking age) saying that the drinking age law is violating his/her charter rights. Am I right or wrong here?
What about you yanks? Is there something in the Constitution that says that 18 years you are an adult, and noone can do anything to stop you?
Hey, Lawyers, help me out here!