In Canada the big age is 18. Vote, tried for crimes as an adult, buy smokes, porn, anything. Some provinces hold drinking off to 19.
By 21, We have been adults for 3 years!
Young adults of the world, Unite! This 21 years of age thing is bullshit, and everyone knows it. The youth are too busy trying to find themselves that they fail to form a solid political lobbying group.
I am 29, and as mature as I was when I was 16. Granted, the life lessons I have learned have made me more wise, and the post-secondary education I have recieved has expanded my knowledge base. Don't confuse those things with maturity.
The question I have is "Why do young adults allow the government to oppress them of their rights and freedoms?"
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.