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Old 05-12-2005, 04:37 PM   #1 (permalink)
Feeling low / need a cheer up / going on a break?

I've been dating my gf for a little over a year, and I've become really attached. We started in high school, and we both just finished our freshman year (lucky enough to go to the same college) together. Our sex life had gone down the tubes months ago. She said she just wasnt in the mood anymore. I always do things for her, compliment her, help her whenever I can, but she just sorta stopped reciprocating it so much. For instance I always rub her head, scratch her back ,rub her legs, give her massages etc. Nothing in return.

But anyway, I'm not here to complain. Heres what happened. The other day she says shes going to the movies with her friend. Then she says "I'm gonna tell you something I dont want you to be mad, just trust me" I say ok and she says "I'm going with my friend, her bf, and her bfs friend" her bfs friend being another male. I'm not going because we had recently decided that our decline might be due to spending too much time together (seeing eachother every single day in a tense school situation can do that). Then the next day were in the car and she says "yeah.. so theres something I have to tell you" i say ok.. and well, it turns out she kissed this other guy. twice. with tongue. so she wants to take a break because she likes this guy and she loves me, she just wants to be able to enjoy a bit of time alone and be able to do whatever she wants to do. I can understand this because both of us have been from one relationship right into another for the last 4-5 years of our lives.

Sorry for all the crap to read, but the base of this is I'm having trouble coping. She tells me to do the same she is doing, enjoy time to myself, but my problem is I get very lonely, and now that I'm home from school for the summer I dont have any friends except her and her friends.

I cant stop crying, I cant eat, I just generally feel horrible and I want it all to end.

I'm hoping somebody out there has a "success after break" story.

If your going to tell me it wont work and my girlfriend is a horrible person, please dont bother replying at all.

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