Stay at home!!!
When I was 3 my parents divorced so my mom had to go back to work. Which meant daycare for me. I HATED it. I would pout constantly, refuse to eat, throw tantrums. I missed the one on one attention from my mom.
When my mom was at home she had us out interacting in different environments 3-4 times a week. My brother could read and write (very well) before kindergarten, by age 7 with my mom's encouragement he was running his own business. Preying on gulliable tourists, teehee.
Although I refuse to condemn working mom's I really don't agree with doing it unless necessary. My friend's baby sister had her mom stay at home with her for one year, 2 months into daycare I saw a complete personality change. She's all over strangers, loud, quick tempered, pouty, etc. Before she was shy, quiet, and well behaved.
I plan on staying at home with my kids. And honestly, if I can't afford to, I simply won't have kids. Daycare and being away from my mom during the days was a particularly painful expierence for me and I wouldn't want the same for my child.
However, working mornings or afternoons until 3 when the child is in school is a different story. As long as you can give your child the energy, attention and quantity of time he or she deserves.