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Old 05-11-2005, 03:50 PM   #1 (permalink)
Fade out
Location: in love
Working Moms Vs. Stay at Home Moms

(Even if you don't want children, please weigh in on this.)

Being a working mom or a stay-at-home Mom:

Which would you like to be if/when you have children?

Which do you think has more value?

Which do you feel is better for the child?

With our economy, finances have forced many families to need two full time incomes and it is not a choice, day care is their only option . . . but also, some families make a choice to have both parents working.

Personally, I have noticed there seems to be a trend lately of allot of women choosing to be stay-at-home moms, even quitting their jobs to have children and also men are choosing to be the stay-at-home care providers more and more . . .

My mom was a stay-at-home until i was in high school and i certainly Loved knowing that when i came home i would have somone to help me with my homework and to talk to if i needed her, and to this day, i am very close with my mother, probably because she was able to stay at home to take care of us.

I respect women who choose to work and be moms
I respect women who choose to stay and work in the home.

It's all about choice....

What would/will YOU choose: to be a working mom or to stay at home with your children?

Sweet Pea
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