this was the text with one of my favs, the sweater, I also love the one from the 40's about making your own hospital gown.
Awwww…look at the happy couple in the matching sweaters. So cute, so sweet, so carefree…and, wait, are they also wearing matching corduroy pants? Yes! Yes, they are! Are they not the perfect picture of adorableness?
But wait…what….what IN THE HELL is going on in the background? Is it the apocalypse? The Second Coming? Is there a cold wind blowing and the terrified screams of lost souls swirling all around them?
I have the feeling that any minute now they’re going to turn around and realize what’s happening…..
”Wha…..huh...what the? AAAAGGGGHHH! Forget the chunky thermal’s the RAPTURE! For fuck’s sake everyone, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!”