The only absolute flaw I see in the BC-STV system is that there are stages that are not human verified or human verifiable.
At some point you have assloads of data. There are relatively simple computer operations you can perform on the assloads of data.
But, I don't know of a way you can take the ballots, and turn them into the assloads of data in a way that makes large scale cheating require large scale effort.
The current vote-count system is really nice this way because:
1> Each vote is counted with representatives from every party present
2> Those representatives all know the count at their station
3> The vote count at each station is public, so each representative can confirm part of the global list of the results easily.
4> The adding up of each of those verifiable facts can be done by anyone.
5> Thus, the result of the election is human-verifiable.
In order to commit voting fraud, you need a conspiracy purportional to the size of the fraud. To corrupt a riding's results without noise being made, you need to coopt every representative in the riding to your conspiracy.
Other than this one objection, the result of BC-STV would be:
A> Career politicians would tend to have more stable seats.
B> You'd have peons members, and prime members, in each riding, for each party.
C> It would increase the strength of small parties.
D> It would make it nearly impossible to form majority governments.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.