Thanks guys for your comments. I think I'm going to just go with the flow and see how things go. Well I had a double dose of her today. We met up for lunch. I showed her where I worked. She really liked the place where I worked. We then headed to a sushi restaurant. We talked way past my lunch break. I barely ate any food. Luckily my bosses are cool and know I'm trying to get with this girl. Later we meet up at a show to see one of our friend's band play. I remember why I hate bars. Too many fucking people. I hate competing with other people for someone's attention. Luckily I got sit with her during the show and talk. It was too damn loud though. I like more intimate settings. Her so called bf was nowhere in sight. He must not like to get out much. Well I get see her again on sunday.
Never date anyone who doesn't make your dick hard.
Last edited by Jesus Pimp; 05-10-2005 at 08:03 PM..