Originally Posted by maleficent
As we've said elsewhere... if there's something that females want - they should just ask for it... In this case, the young lady seems to be asking JJ out.., and because he's not a drinker... he keeps declining.. poor girl is gonna be afraid of rejection.
The guys have got to stop trying to figure out the signals, and guess whether or not something is a signal and just follow their instinct...
Or how about we just do away with the stupid "signals" and "signs" all together and just tell each other how we really feel already? I'd have had a LOT more relationships if that was the case. But for some reason it's always the man who has to put himself on the line and set himself up for rejection.
I don't care what anyone says about "It's not the end of the world..blah blah blah." It still sucks! And any guy saying it doesn't is a liar. Plain and simple. It's pretty selfish that we always have to be the ones to set ourselves up to be turned down. The only times I've ever ACTUALLY walked up to a girl and asked her number after she goes out of her way to get to know me I find out she has a b/f.
I've grown rather tired of games and don't really have the time or patience for them anymore. /end rant
To the topic at hand. I guess you should ask her out and see what happens man. Good luck