Try getting some Non-latex condoms next time too. Also try to find some without spermicid on them. I've found that the spermicide on some condoms can be quite irritating to both hubby and myself and usually triggers a BV infection.
If she experiences any more trouble AFTER going through the yeast infection treatment than she should go to a Dr there could be issues of yeast infection, bacterial infection, or bladder infection. Any one of those can be triggered by a number of factors including: latex allergy, bacteria that got in vagina, inbalanced ph in the vagina, or irritation. All of which can be treated quite easily. Most Dr's take the information that a girl is having sex with non-chalance. Most PAP's aren't that uncomfortable really and the trouble is worth the peace of mind and comfort later when she can enjoy having sex with you without any pain.
I wish her good luck. Support her and as has already been said - don't pressure her.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.