Originally Posted by lurkette
Momentary semantic rant:
What exactly do people mean by "complete me"? I can't imagine ever feeling "complete" in the sense that I have everything in my life that I want or need - first, impossible, and second what stagnation! If people think that that is what they're going to get from a relationship or from having a child, they're in for a whole lot of disappointment. I don't mean to be condescending, but I feel a bit sorry for anyone who tries to find "completion" outside themselves - why hand over so much power to any person or thing? What happens if that person leaves or dies, or that thing disappears? Seems much better to recognize ones own inherent completion and then do things because they're in line with who you are, rather than looking for something to fulfill what you see as an essential lack in your life.
To answer your rant
I choose the term 'complete' because the women i have spoken with actually use that term and mean it.
They hold onto the idea of children like it will change them into the people they want to be, hence, the idea in their minds of 'Completion.'
Do i believe in being 'complete' at any time in your life? I think one can have moments of feeling fulfilled, but since human beings are always growing and changing, there is no such thing as complete.
Sweet Pea