I've said elsewhere that one of my goals is to one day be a full time housewife and mommy. Having a child will make me very happy, will fulfill a lifelong goal, and I will be less happy with my life if I'm never able to be a mother. For reasons that aren't relevant here, I can't have children myself, but Grace can, and in a couple of years likely will, and we'll be raising them together, two mommies. I'll be the primary caregiver at home, and I will be very happy in that role.
That said, no, I don't need to have a child to be happy or feel complete. I have that in my relationship with my wife and in my job. If I never have children, I can still be a complete person. I'm not there yet; I still have issues to work out as a result of past experiences, but I believe I will get there.
Having a child will make me happier than I would be without, though.
I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.
~Steven Colbert