Originally Posted by Seanland
but is it possible?
If healthcare in the States became universal, I can almost guarentee taxes would be shot up through the roofs.. poor people would become.. homeless.. the reason why alot of the poor citizens are in some sort of shelter is probably because they dont have universal health care.
It's bullshit, we CAN find ways to provide affordable healthcare without being too much of a tax burden. Sliding scales comes to mind. The fact that healthcare would be cut as an expense would greatly increase profits to companies like GM, the Steel industry, the Tire industry and so on, those profits in turn could be used to higher more workers, raise wages and build more factories.
To say taxes would go up and NOT recognize the fact that companies AND taxpayers would benefit is one sided and scare tactics used by the GOP to avoid fixing the system.
Originally Posted by Seanland
whats minimum wage in the states? 4 something...
here is what? close to 7.. with the American dollar in the shitter.. that doesnt help either..
Federal minimum wage is $5.15 an hour in MOST states (a couple like Ca. have set I believe $7+ as theirs). Also, the GOP refused to raise wages while they voted themselves a pay raise, bettered their retirement packages and allowed companies tax breaks to move jobs overseas.
How ANYONE can support the GOP and keep allowing this BS to go on is beyond any reasoning I can come up with.
All I can guess is that the GOP and talking heads like Limbaugh give lazy asses the excuse to blame everyone else for their problems but let's not accept personal responsibility.
They'll talk about it but when it comes down to PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and helping the people it's easier to push the blame on others.
Limbaugh..... busted for drugs and doctor shopping "Not me", he says "I'm a victim of people playing politics" yeah... and your fat ass wasn't the one getting scripts from what was it 7 doctors?????? Then goes crying to the ACLU (whom he rips as being too liberal) for help. Course a couple months before he said we should deport all addicts to a desert island. And if a Dem or one of us did what he did, he would demand prison and lecture about personal responsibility.
O'Reilly..... busted for sex harassment "Not me," he says, "It's politically motivated and I didn't do anything." Yet he paid a settlement. And speaking of O'Reilly.... hmmmm Drudge had a clip saying he reaches 20-25 million a day.... where is this audience??? When his tv numbers only draw at most 3 million a day?????
Ann Coulter...... welll...... she's just a freakin head case
These great wonderful citizens tell their followers the GOP is their saviour but when an issue like healthcare comes up they scare and blame everyone else. Yet, they find ways to make sure their followers will be ok with OUR tax dollars paying for ILLEGALS while we go in debt.
I guess the ILLEGALS don't need to have personal responsibility like the rest of us huh???? Of course what does the talking heads of the right know of personal responsibility.... they fuck up, it was all political and they don't owe anyone any explanation.
Fuck it let the citizens go bankrupt trying to support the fucking healthcare system while we pay ILLEGALS bills.