Being a wizened veteran of many B.C. elections, I don't have the energy or desire to write a long post on my feelings, unlike some of you youngsters, but suffice it to say I'm voting NDP. These days, in Canada, not just B.C. there isn't a hell of a lot of difference between any of the mainstream party's economic platforms. It's more about the general philosopy that you feel closer to, for me. I prefer the NDP's platform. The liberal's record on the environment, which is important to me, sucks, and they have had their share of scandals, they have just been damn good at keeping a lid on things, as well as a very disinterested media (and public). The economy, of course, is bigger than the provincial government, they've had some good luck to be in power during the "good times". As for me, the company I work for was doing great in the 90s, we've slowed down considerably the last 2 or 3 years, I'd gladly go back to when the NDP was in power. By the way, I'm a graduate of UVIC. I'm not a hippie, but i've heard too much from the business types lately...