Dave and I had a very long discussion about this last nite....longer than we've ever had before. We set very specific ground rules should the occasion present itself. We made sure that we talked about ever aspect of it...if it were another couple and only 2 people of the couple hit it off what would we do. What activities were allowed and what wasnt, what kind of person/persons it had to be etc.
There was not one aspect or rule we did not agree on 100%, neither one had to talk the other "into" any part of it. We talked about OUR relationship and what rammifications something like this might have on it. We discussed whether any thing about it might hurt the other persons feelings and we've come to the conclusion that if there was someone/someones that fit what we did/didnt want we'd have no problem with it.
NO ONE will ever get inside our heads the way we do each other and we both agree that all things being equal, physical gratification, no matter how, would NEVER come close to what we share or damaging it in any way and like Lurkette said, sex is sex
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!