Introspective Resolution?
I have concepts of myself that are resolved and firm. When meditating on understanding the ways I live, how I feel and think, how I interact with people, I can't seem to find that sense of understanding that I am able to faithfully belive, I have found in other aspects of my life.
It makes me wonder if parts of my personality or self, will remain unresolved. I am willing and glad to accept that I will continue to grow and learn until the day I die. I suppose it depends how you define your sense of self. Today, I accomplished the tasks I set out to do. They didn't carry the same feel that I wanted them to, but they got done, yet I am not satisfied. Should I merely focus on actions and results and ignore emotionaly how it effects me? or should I simply accept how I feel as being part of me? it seems like when I think about why I feel off emotionaly or why aspects of my life don't feel right, I can't find any conclusive answer to explain my emotions (id?) to my rational self (ego?). It could be something completely behaviorable in my enviroment I haven't identified but other then finding a behavioral phsychologist I don't know where I could start there.
Are you able to find introspective resolution when thinking about who you are? or what you want? or how you feel?