Morning Wood Killer!
Okay so I was waking up last week and like I normally do I woke up long enough to turn on the news -to help myself wake up.
I had some morning wood which I was laying on and kind of enjoying when IT came on the television. -A description of some of the activities Michael Jackson supposedly did. -Killed my wood in no time. *Shudder* the thought of some pedophile popstar taking a shower with a little boy is not appropriate for waking up!
But this is not the first time this has happened. I used to set my clock radio to Howard Stern and it's cool when some porn chick is on -but one morning he wouldn't stop talking about the operations that transexuals go through. -Not only did it kill my morning wood but it left me with a feeling that I wanted to puke.
Anybody else have wood killers? Describe your own Killers: