Originally Posted by lindseylatch
1st, there's no evidence that the sex wasn't consentual. Now, because she's 13, it was technically rape. HOwever, if she consented, then she had some problems that need to be addressed, one being a problem with responsibility and the consequences of her actions.
Although he might not have been joking, he was probably being facetious.
And yeah, I think it'd be nice to temp. sterilize all minors, esp. the ones in state custody since they have had chaotic family lives and are a high risk group. Course, I'm with Adam Carolla, I'd like to sterilize a lot of people...Give evolution a little hand, in the direction I choose.  (that was a joke, in case you couldn't tell).
The more often you post, the more I grow concerned about Oregon's state of higher education.
What difference do you see between joking and facetious--other than syllables?
For someone studying psychology, you sure are painting with a big brush...
The reason it's "technically" rape is because a 13 year old girl isn't capable of consenting, according to the law. There is no if >> then here. She didn't consent. It would be nice if conservatives were at least consistent in their ideological rantings...but perhaps the internal inconsistencies in their logic wrap them up and prevent such from occurring.
Either the girl is a victim, unable to consent under the law, and deserves sympathy not smugness (nor penalties, such as, involuntary sterilization)
the girl wasn't raped, was capable of consent, and can adequately decide whether she wants an abortion.
At which point do lindsey get to come into this equation and diagnose her with problems related to not understanding the consequences of her actions or the notion of responsibility?
She is no more or less responsible than a 23 year old who wears a condom or takes birth control, but still unfortunately becomes pregnant. Where in that story did it state the girl was conducting herself in an irresponsible manner? Or are you just assuming that because all 13 year olds act irresponsibly when it comes to sexual activity? If so, that reasoning is the underpinning of the law making this rape. If not, on what basis are you reaching your conclusions?
And why, in your view, does consensual sex, if that is what occurred, indicative of irresponsibility?
I'd be certainly willing to agree with you on the sterilization bit, starting with undergrads without reasoning skills past the holes in their asses. Evolution indeed...