Originally Posted by Jesus Pimp
Ok here's the deal. She sort of has a boyfriend. They have been spending time apart. So it seems like their relationship isn't doing so well. That is mainly the reason I have been hesitating. I went to see her performance last night, and her boyfriend was nowhere in sight. I really want to ask her out, but not sure if it's the right thing to do at this point. Should I just go for it? I really like her. We're meeting again this weekend. Sorry I've been out of the loop for a year and a half.
This may be an unpopular stance, but here's my take... the fact that she's got a boyfriend isn't your problem. he doesn't appear to be in the picture right now... You are... Ask her out... Soon... If you don't, someone else will. If she's got this boyfriend and he's still in the picture, she will tell you and that will be that. You lose nothing by trying.