Originally Posted by Janey
I think that guys want us to hint less, and be more forward. Actually make the first step of demonstrating affection (be it physical or verbal). My theory is that since we tend to be able to turn guys down, and they almost NEVER turn us down, that they are afraid of our power to say no. They therfore do not clue in when we throw encouragement their way (unless they are in their cups a bit, and have reduced inhibitions).
Unfortunately if we are too encouraging, we get labled as 'easy'.
Janey! You are a genius!! That is exactly it. This is my one hang up in life. I can handle just about anything that comes my ways: natural disaster, unnatural disaster, tragedy you name it. I just can't handle..... chicks. well sort of..
The worst is the "mixed signals" problem. I have made a fool out of myself many a time due to "misinterpreting" a girl's "signals". *groan*
In fact, I'm having the same problem right now and feel like I'm going to implode or explode, we'll see. Can't...figure....her....out... *scratches head* I feel like Stan from freekin' South Park: I want to vomit everytime I'm near this chick and I almost told her that too!
Oops, sorry to ramble, I'm going to bang my head against a wall for an hour or two....