You've not done anything wrong. He sounds like the kind of guy who works hard to be rejected so that he can be angry about it; you told him what was what, you're in the right, and now he's got you groveling for his forgiveness (you aren't actually asking for forgiveness, just his friendship, but that's the way he see it.) And that's what he wants. He doesn't want you friendship; he wants you to be as unhappy as he is. By choosing to perceive you as doing something wrong, he's cementing his self-image as a total victim of the world. Like somebody else said, he sees himself as doing nothing wrong; all his problems are somebody else's fault.
Of course, they're his fault. There's nothing you can do about it. You've got to understand that his anger and rejection are meaningless; it's about how he wants to feel, not about what you did. I don't usually say things like this, because usually there's room for give and take on both sides. But I've run into some people like this lately; nothing is ever their fault, the world is against them, everybody hates them and that's why their lives suck. They have no interest in making changes in what they do; they may not even know how. If you try to "help" them, they just suck you in. Therapy's what they need, but you can't give them that.
He's going to reject you from now on. Either just learn to accept it or get a new roommate.