Originally Posted by ObieX
The reason a space elevator would work so well is that it would be more like a tether, like a super-strong wire. It would be vastly more flexible, and able to stand up to much more stress than a building would.
On the other hand if you want to look at your idea in a slightly more limited way, you could place a structure at the top of the space elevator. Sort of a starwars cloud city, only in space. The main draw of this idea is probably the space elevator itself and ease of transport tot he "building". I dunno how large this structure could be, comes down to a lot of stuff like how you would anchor something like that, and what kind of tethers you could use to support such a large mass.
I just finished reading Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars series (red, green, blue mars) where he delves deeply into the space elevator concept. This is exactly what he described, a long tether, anchored in space to an asteroid for stability. the elevators were more like large moving hotels and warehouses. And there was a space sport/ city at the top.
very cool