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Old 05-02-2005, 09:35 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cowudders14
we make it a fun thing to point out attractive people to each other - "What do you think of him then?" "Oh, she's nice!". I get playfully hit each time I do it, and we now say if I go through a day without being hit, there is something wrong! I'm always pointing out nice ladies to my wife - quite honestly, and she points out nice blokes to me.

Seriously, it's actually a part of our relationship - it's an affirmation that we are still human and still find others attractive, but would never act on it. It's fun to joke about - we are both really happy with it.
I'm with you 100% Cowudders. My girlfriend and I (especially me) enjoy admiring members of the opposite sex and pointing out what we really like. I am always point out other girls with really nice butts to her or any trait at all I like in general. We try to make a game out of it. Sometimes I will ask her to try to pick out what woman (other than her) I find most attractive. Sometimes she gets it, sometimes she doesn't, regardless it is fun and harmless.

I think aside from the specific desire people have to be with a single ideal mate (typically) we all have a generic internal desire for the opposite sex. This is how I can look at other women clothed or not enjoy it but not feel like I am cheating on my girlfriend, and have her believe I am not cheating on her. She does the same but with men and neither of us feel threatened. Most importantly is just to let eachother know that you they are still your favorite, even better than that redhead over there with the cute butt and the perky smile.

In fact I have actually encouraged her to point out to me men that she finds attractive and to enjoy looking at the male body, not just mine. We were all made beautiful and I think it would be a shame if I was the only one she ever appreciated, openly or in secret. I personally am glad it is in the open because that is the way it should be, in my opinion. It is all about the love and if you have it you are much more free to express your sexuality in a healthy way and enjoy life with your partner. Enjoy life, have fun, stay faithful, it makes things wonderful.

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