You actually don't want to just say "Hi, I'm Sofa, what's your name" because that is boring! girls get a million boring come-ons a day and they're not going to respond to this particular one (unless you are really ridiculously hot.)
Instead, pick out something interesting about her and comment on it in a positive and pleasing way. Since your onl interaction is to see her walk through a door, you're a bit challenged for interesting things t say anyway since you don't hav a clue about her. So, you'll probably be stuck talking about her hair, clothes, or books. Example, "Ohhh, is that real leather? That red matches your nails perfectly! Oh, by the way, I'm Sofa..." If you're talking about her appearance, DON'T LEER or act suggestive. It's creepy. Just be friendly and admiring.
BUT, if you know what class she is going to, you can ask her about it, which is better because it is less of a shallow compliment (which can backfire if you do it wrong). Then you have the potential for an actual interesting conversation, especially if you know a bit about the subject. Remember, the longer you can keep her talking without boring her, the better! But beware of the temptation to act like you know it all, especially when you don't--SHE is the one taking the class, so be respectful and for the love of God, don't tell her she's wrong. You can politely disagree and debate, but not in the first conversation.
Good luck!
There's no justice. There's just us.