The difficulty of the first line is dependant on the situation. As an example it is much easier to go to talk to them if they are engaged in some kind of activity, rather than just walking around campus. If they happen to involved in something, try and use that as your witty springboard for conversation. Take an interest in what they are currently doing, but dont harp on it too long, try and get the focus quickly to them. But also try and get a decent balance between talking about yourself and asking about them, with a bias towards them. I know people will say that you want to be totaly interested in them, but you need to sell yourself as an interesting person. Now if they happen to just be walking along not doing much of anything. You are going to come off as a bit odd no matter how slick you try to be, there is just no good reason for you to be talking to them out of the blue other than that you find them attractive. So just let yourself be odd for a little bit till you can show them that you are in fact a normal person who just wanted desparately to get to know them, and had no other way than to just be straight forward. But what do I know, I am not slick at all, I rely on that endearing bumbling Hugh Grant sort of thing.
Here are some phrases I'd like to be able to say, in all honesty, before I die.
"That's it, send out the ninjas!"
"So then I had to kill my way to the second floor."