Originally Posted by Astrocloud
My personal experience with cops is that they aren't really interested in the truth but rather trying to frame people for things that never happened.
Echh... One incident does not apply to everyone in the world, and generalities like that lead to the authority-hating malcontents that are all too common in today's society. I would say that most people who put up with the long hours, poor pay, dangerous conditions, and almost always obnoxious and sometimes violent "customers" do so because they believe what they are doing is right and important to society. A few bad apples does not make the whole barrel; you might as well have said "I had a bad experience with some people, therefore most people are malicious bastards."
Unfortunately if you stay on the right side of the law you will only come in contact with them when they make a mistake like they did with you, and you miss all the times they are saving your property and life as you obliviously go about your business.