I have faith that I am a motivated and focused person. I am intrested in introspective understanding and think and research, not only the decisions I make but try to have clarity about the personal or subconscious motives behind them.
It is very postive for people to take control of themselves and think, with clarity about how they are living and make the proper choices for themselves. It sounds like you have a firm grasp on your life.
In what way do your classification's further your relationship or connection with another human being? How do you benifit from formulating opinions of that nature about them?
I think it is ignorant to try and classify people. No matter what definition, learning to let people be is a far greater tool to teach yourself. People tend to form personalities that exemplify distinct characteristics, understanding a person and connecting with them is important. Classification throws aside a great part of who a person is and no longer is Peter, simply Peter. He is now the thinker Peter or the doer Peter. Do you really gain something from those definitions?