Manager/Team Ldr - same thing (but less pay). Do you manage or do you lead? One thing I hated in the military were those guys that retained info to themselves, so only they knew it. WTF? It never bothered me to share the info. Why should it? If something happened to me, they could take over. That's the point. As a manager, you manage them to get the most done from the people available (including yourself). You're holding info they could use, and as such, they aren't working to potential. And neither are you. Your job is to manage and train them, not be their best friend. (Not saying you have to be a dick, but you are there to do a job.) Becoming a good manager takes a lot of time, especially on the mental side of the game. Go w/what you know - delegate more, and follow up. Put some trust in your team members, and help them excel. It will only help you look better.