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Old 04-29-2005, 08:53 AM   #29 (permalink)
Originally Posted by james t kirk
I will give you three.

1. Harper is a career politician. He started working for the PC party basically the second he finished law school. He has never ever had a "real job" in his life. Contrast this to Paul Martin who is a self made multi millionaire.

2. During the last election, Harper and the Conservatives were campaigning on a big US style tax cut, large increases to health care and the military. While I am all for large increases to the military and health care, I have to ask, where is all this money going to come from if you are cutting taxes? Martin has been running surplusses, but not that big of a surplus.

So where's the money going to come from?? What are you going to cut? or are you going to deficit finance to do it?? Harper would never come clean on this issue. (He did say he wanted to buy an air craft carrier though.)

I will never ever ever vote for US styled tax cuts based on borrowing money. It's absurd.

3. Making social policy an election issue. I.e. abortion, gay marriage, both of which I support. (Because I want less government intrusion in my life not more.)
Number 1 isn't scary to me. Trudeau was a career politician as was Chretien. Actually, come to think of it, it is pretty scary since both the aforementioned fucked things up pretty good too.

And now we have 4.6 billion in corporate taxes shifting to social policy. Hmmm,...I smell a deficit coming on.

And I'm not a fan of Harper. I too support abortion and gay marriage and LESS religious influence in government not more, but I'll tell you, this current Paul and Jack show will suprise you. How? by taking pages out of the conservative playbook and acting as Conservatives. Afterall, what better way to keep Harper out of power than to borrow from conservative ideology. And to boot, Harper can't whine and complain or he'll be accused of turning his back on what he supports. That's why he wants an election so bad. To get credit for his ideas and not the Liberals and now NDP.
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard.
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