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Old 04-28-2005, 11:21 PM   #79 (permalink)
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Tophat665 has exactly the right idea; nobody has the right not to be offended. Nobody has the right to silence those they find offensive precisely because of the 1st Amendment. No matter what is said someone somewhere will be offended, and there is no way to make everyone happy. Describing someone as black is protected by free speech.

In fact, if we want to get wild and crazy I also have a right to use racial slurs like nigger, spic, Japs, Chinks, crackers, etc. As long as I make it clear it is only my opinion I can name-call pretty much all day. The law only protects from certain things; for instance it is illegal to lie about someone in an attempt to damage their reputation. I could call someone full of poo, but if I were to claim that they literally ate poo in their spare time I could be charged with slander. Death threats are obviously out, but free speech means you can express your true feelings without being silenced.

If this story is true, it might be possible to charge the coffee store itself with discrimination. If it is illegal to refuse service to a person because they are black or because they are a Democrat, it should also be illegal to refuse service even if they walk into the store in full KKK robes.
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