Aliens...It is selfish of us to believe that in this infinite universe, we are the only planet to sustain intelligent life. There is so little we know about our own solar system, is it not possible that at one time another planet in our system experienced some sort of cataclysmic event that has made it the inhospitable planet that it is now? Is it not possible that prior to this event there was a civilization that perhaps was in space exploration, perhaps explaining the alleged visitations of the ancient civilizations? As for UFO's, perhaps, perhaps not. We currently lack the technology and understanding to explore beyond our own solar system. Whether or not some other planet in some other solar system has figured out the whole space / time continuum thing....who really knows?
As for ghosts....our spirit consists of energy. Have you ever been in a room with someone in a particularly foul mood, and you just feel the tension about you? Or have you ever been asleep and had a spouse, significant other or parent standing over you or by you; and you suddenly wake because you sense the presence by you? For the most part, though we can control our emotions to a specific degree outwardly, can we always control how we feel on the inside? When we die, that energy leaves our body, a soul, a spirit, what have you. That energy may not be conscious or focused, but emotion or mood can carry with that energy. Sometimes that energy moves on, perhaps for some it dissipates, but I think that largely, what we refer to as ghosts, is the manifestation of energy that has not passed on or dissipated.
"What is life? It is a flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and looses itself in the sunset." Crowfoot, Blackfoot warrior