Thanks, Lurkette... I guess I'll just have to take my balls in my hand and jump! Uh, so to speak...

It was so easy in college to meet open minded people... I guess we got spoiled.
StormBerlin - That's sweet of you to say. ONE DAY....When you know that they love you and you love them, and that no matter what you're the most and best part of their day... at least for me, that frees me to be able to give them whatever it is that would make them feel good. It helps that he's my best friend, and we have a great time just gossiping together like old maids!! (wow, that was awesome! did you see that??)

ShaniFaye... Yes, communication is so key, I think... I would bet that your someone has been considering it too. From past experiences with threesomes, at some point, you'll just look at each other and know that today is that day. When you're ready for it and things happen, I'd be interested to know how it went!
I feel like I should point out that a big part of my comfort with all of this is that I know that we don't need this kind of stimulation to continue being happy. It would be really nice and tasty icing, though.