Originally Posted by McDuffie
When I was a kid, my parents were in a bowling league and we used to hang out at the bowling alley with them. There was a woman--well, ok she was actually a disease ridden slut from hell--and once when it was her turn to bowl, as she released the ball, her um... what do you call those things? Venus something or other? it's a little miniature vibrator that you put inside, I think it's held in by some kind of harness. Anyway, the harness or whatever broke and this thing went sliding a third of the way down the lane.
It took me YEARS to figure out where that thing fell out of and why everyone made such a big deal about it. I clearly remember the day I figured it out. I was like "Oh" and then I paused a moment and went "OOOOOOOH!!!!!!"
How no one commented on this is beyond me. That is one of those formative stories that just can't be made up. I can just about see it from your description. I wonder how often incidents like this happen where nothing slides down the lane, but something falls out in the middle of a workday and is caught without anyone noticing.
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.