Originally Posted by PDOUBLEOP
The part that I find disturbing is that you feel the need to be a buffer between him and his father.
His dad is a hollerer-very loud and can at times cut one down. By going to him before he even hit the door, I knew I could keep relative peace.
His suspension was in-school. They sit in a windowless room in single cubicles from start to finish of the day. They get 2 bathroom breaks as a group, and lunch as a group-taken back to the room to eat. The school system here discourages out of school suspensions unless the infraction was major because kids use it as a day off.
He's come through relatively unscathed, albeit a bit embarrassed that he had suspension in the first place and, I think, he understands the ramifications of his actions.
We stressed that, while it was wrong to strike out, however provoked, it was more wrong to lie about it to the people he should be trusting.
This is a really good dialogue going. I appreciate the input.